Welcome to my canvas
My name is Dana Del Poso and I am a visual designer looking to bring joy, accessibility, and ease into every experience
Likes: picking fruit, my dog Bruce, convincing myself that I can DIY anything
Dislikes: leaving leftovers, my lactose intolerance, when my fiddle leaf fig drops a leaf
My Latest Projects
My 9-5
As a multi-disciplinary designer, I've learned to embrace the humbling truth that I can't be an expert in everything. But hey, that's what Google, ChatGPT, and Youtube tutorials are for!
I'm the first to admit that I've had my fair share of design mishaps along my self-taught journey. We all do! But those experiences have taught me the power of learning from my mistakes and growing as a designer. With each job and project I hope to gain more of an understanding for what users need and what makes an experience spark joy.
My 5-9
Design finds it way into my hobbies as a personal passion to share my creations with others. Whether it's creating custom greeting cards for friends or hosting dinners, I find fulfillment in bringing a touch of beauty and delight into the lives of others.
In the end, design brings me pure joy and fulfillment in endless ways. It allows me to explore my imagination, connect with others, and leave a small, colorful mark on the world.